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Orthododontic Treatments - Sleep Apnea

Snoring is one of the symptoms of a health condition known as Sleep Apnea, a disorder that is actually quite hard to identify. For the proper treatment of snoring problems, it is crucial to be aware of how snoring differs from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA).The problem with sleep apnea is that it is a severe condition requiring immediate treatment. Children and adolescents can also be affected with sleep disorder breathing. Snoring does not signal the presence of obstructive sleep apnea all the time. There are times when the condition is triggered only by a social inconvenience.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea:
ss Pauses that take place while snoring
ss Choking or gasping that follows the pauses
ss Fighting sleepiness at work, when driving, or during the entire day
ss Rapidly falling asleep when inactive
ss Morning headaches and irritability
ss Sore throat or dry mouth after waking up
ss The need to wake up frequently to urinate
ss Difficulty staying asleep
ss Decreased libido

Who Is At Risk?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can develop in anyone at any age but most often occurs in people who are:
ss Overweight
ss Male
ss Age 40 and older
ss Smokers

Orthodontic care can help sleep breathing disorders. Dr. Girish Deshpande will evaluate you and your family and accordingly will provide the necessary oral appliances for treatment of sleep apnea.

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