About Orthodontics - Orthodontic FAQ's
Q1. |
Who is an orthodontist? |
Answer |
An orthodontist is a specialist type of dentist who treats irregularities of the teeth and jaws in order to improve their appearance. If you have misaligned teeth, overcrowding (too many teeth) or a poorly functioning jaw then orthodontic treatment can help. An orthodontist is also instrumental in correcting the teeth and jaws in babies born with cleft lips or cleft palates. Diagnosis of these irregularities are usually made by taking X-rays and by having the patient bite down onto a mold to determine the specific alignment of his or her teeth. Correction methods might include braces, retainers or other special devices to realign or guide incoming teeth. In severe malocclusions, an orthodontist may have to break the jaw bones and wire the jaw shut so that it heals better aligned. A person may seek the services of an orthodontist for cosmetic reasons as well as health reasons. Beside the insecurity and low self-esteem that dental irregularities may cause, they can also affect a person’s ability to chew and speak. |
Q2. |
What causes crooked teeth? |
Answer |
Heredity is the main cause although local factors such as finger sucking, high cavity rate, gum disease, trauma, mouth breathing and premature loss of baby teeth can also contribute to a bad bite. |
Q3. |
Why should I have my teeth straightened? |
Answer |
Poorly arranged teeth are very prone to fracture and can trap food particles that cause tooth decay and gum disease. They can also lead to poor chewing and digestion, which can be bad for your overall health. Finally, poorly arranged teeth detract from your smile, which is one of the more important features of your face. |
Q4. |
Who needs orthodontics and when? |
Answer |
The world renowned Burlington Growth Study from Burlington Ontario demonstrated that 75% of all 12 year olds needed orthodontic treatment and 90% could benefit from benefit from orthodontic treatment. Although there is not a universal best age to begin orthodontic treatment, the Ontario Association of Orthodontics (OAO) recommends every child seek an orthodontic consult at an early age. The child’s first visit to the general dentist should be no later than the age of two years. Likewise, the child should seek an orthodontic consult no later than age 7. However, a visit at any age is advisable if the parent, family dentist or child’s physician has noted a particular problem.
Orthodontic treatment can improve smiles at any age, but there are benefits to early diagnosis. Early examination enables us to detect and evaluate problems and determine the appropriate time to treat them. After the initial evaluation, we may monitor facial growth and development by periodic checkups while the permanent teeth erupt and the face and jaws continue to grow.
In other cases, “preventive or interceptive” treatment may be initiated to prevent more serious problems from developing. These limited measures sometimes involve the use of removable or functional appliances. Some of the most common corrective measures in children are eliminating abnormal habits and guiding or controlling the eruption of teeth and correcting deformities in the jaws as they grow. Early intervention frequently makes the completion of treatment at a later age easier and less time consuming. In some cases, early treatment achieves results that are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing (Many orthodontic problems can be corrected in adults as well as children, so adults should not hesitate to seek an orthodontic consult to discuss a problem.). |
Q5. |
Isn't orthodontic treatment expensive? |
Answer |
Not in comparison with the cost of dealing with untreated problems. Orthodontic treatment may bring long-term health benefits and may contribute to the avoidance of costly, serious problems later in life. Historically, the average cost of all health services has risen faster than the average cost of orthodontic treatment. In addition, the cost of orthodontic treatment has increased significantly less than the rate of inflation, meaning the public’s buying power has gone up faster than orthodontic fees.
Orthodontic insurances are not available on an individual basis, but many people are covered by group dental plans including orthodontic coverage, which are offered through their employers. Typically, these plans limit the amount any one family member can collect in a lifetime. Coverage may include a percentage of the orthodontic fee (usually 50%) up to some predetermined maximum. Orthodontic fees vary widely, depending on the severity of the problem, complexity of treatment and length of treatment time. Our offices will be happy to discuss fee arrangements after individual examinations. Generally, fees may be paid over an extended period of time during the course of treatment. |
Q6. |
Is it true orthodontics can contribute to mental as well as physical health? |
Answer |
First impressions often are based on the appearance of a person’s face, mouth and teeth. A person with a facial deformity or crooked teeth often is judged negatively not only on appearance but also on many other characteristics such as intelligence and personality. Independent research studies have also shown that children and adults who believe their teeth or jaws are unattractive may suffer from a lack of self-esteem and confidence. In some cases, the psychological impact of crooked teeth has been found to hamper a person’s social or vocational growth.
Although dental health concerns are frequently the primary impetus for orthodontic treatment, it is not unusual for treatment to be initiated for the patient’s emotional well-being. In many cases, orthodontics provides both physical and psychological benefits. |
Q7. |
What can happen if orthodontic problems go untreated? |
Answer |
Untreated orthodontic problems might contribute to tooth decay, diseased gums, bone destruction, tempromandibular joint problems and loss of teeth. (More adults over the age of 30 lose their teeth because of periodontal problems than because of decay.) Protruding teeth are more susceptible to accidental chipping and other forms of dental injury. Sometimes, the increased cost of dental care resulting from an untreated malocclusion (bad bite) may far exceed the cost of orthodontic care. In addition, if left untreated, malocclusion may have a negative effect on the psychological well-being of the patient.
Naturally, one feels better when one looks better, and a pleasing appearance is a vital asset to one’s self-confidence and self-esteem. A person’s self-consciousness often disappears as orthodontic treatment brings teeth, lips and face into their proper positions. |
Q8. |
Are temporomandibular disorders (TMD) treated with orthodontic treatment? |
Answer |
Disorders of the temporomandibular joints, which connect the lower jaw to the skull, may be one of the reasons millions of people suffer from chronic headache, earache and facial pain. No other joints are subject to such precise functioning as those involved in the meeting and biting of teeth. Symptoms frequently associated with this problem include popping, clicking or grinding noises of the jaw joints when eating or opening the mouth; soreness and limitation of opening the mouth; headaches; stiffness of the neck and shoulders; and ringing of the ears. The bizarre and seemingly unrelated combination of symptoms, however, makes diagnosis difficult for both medical and dental practitioners because many other diseases can cause similar symptoms.
Temporomandibular disorders can arise from a variety of causes. For this reason, treatment of TMD may include a variety of procedures performed by the dentist and/or other health professional such as neurologists, chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists, initiated by a dentist, if the symptoms are not solely related to jaw function, other conditions may need to be identified by a physician or psychologist. |
Q9. |
Who says braces are just for kids? |
Answer |
The number of adults choosing orthodontics is on the rise. More adults are opting for healthy smiles these days. In fact, today 1 out every 4 orthodontic patients is an adult. Regardless of a person’s age, orthodontic treatment is usually a change for the better. The mechanics involved in the movement of teeth are essentially the same in adults as in children. Gaps between teeth, crowding, protruding front teeth and teeth in abnormal positions are problems that may be corrected in the adult by orthodontic treatment. Contrary to the popular belief, wearing braces will not interfere with an adult’s lifestyle and appearance. |
Q10. |
When is the best time to schedule an initial consultation? |
Answer |
Early orthodontic consultation allows us to determine the optimum time for treatment to begin. In some cases, satisfactory results are unattainable once the face and jaws have finished growing. Seven years old is a good rule of thumb for a child unless you see a noticeable problem earlier. Early examination often permits maximum improvement with the least amount of time and expense. |