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Meet The Doctor - Office Policies

Appointment Policy

We do realize most people seeking orthodontic treatment have other important obligations during the day. When orthodontic treatment begins, each patient is seen every few weeks, and sometimes appointments will conflict with their busy schedules. Our office schedule is quite complex, your late arrival can pose a problem. In fairness to the other scheduled patients, we may not be able to fit you into and therefore find it necessary to reschedule your appointment.

We have setup an automated appointment scheduling system to help us serve you in the most efficient manner. Here is what we want expect:
ss want to see you on time for your appointment
ss We want to have adequate time during each appointment to do the necessary procedures
ss We wish to answer questions and update your treatment progress

In addition, we will work with you to schedule around your school or work hours as much as possible. When you’re ready to schedule your first appointment, please contact our Whitby office at 905.444.9449 or Ajax office at 905.427.4280.

Rescheduling Appointments

We realize that once in a while unforeseen circumstances arise which necessitate a change in appointments. When patients occasionally overlook an appointment, we do our best to reschedule the appointment as soon as possible. Missed appointments or numerous changes will inevitably result in an extension of your treatment time. We kindly request that you notify us, if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. By doing so, we are able to offer your appointment time to another patient and reschedule you.

Patient Records

Please advise us of any changes to your address, phone number, or referring dentist. This will allow us to update your information in our records. No referrals from the family dentist are necessary to arrange an appointment for an orthodontic consultation appointment.

Privacy Policy

Our office understands the importance of protecting your personal information. To help you understand how we are doing that, we have outlined here how our office is using and disclosing your information.

The office will collect, use and disclose information about you for the following purposes:
ss To deliver safe and efficient patient care
ss To identify and to ensure continuous high quality service
ss To assess your health needs
ss To provide health care
ss To advise you of best treatment options available
ss To establish and maintain communication with you
ss To communicate with other treating health-care providers, including specialists and general dentists who are the referring dentists

Thank you very much for choosing Dr. Girish Deshpande for your orthodontic needs and we hope that these policies will help make everyone’s orthodontic experiences pleasurable.

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